I cannot fake that I AM A CHEERFUL PERSON.

I cannot fake I am a cheerful person; or I am or I am not.

You cannot pretend that you will wake-up and think –Well, today I will be a cheerful person; but then, at the first adversity, when you notice that your cat peed on the floor, it would be a good excuse to ruin the day.

We must be prepared for the unexpected, because most of the time in life, unexpected things happen to us. And most of us expect that everything goes as planned. So, I suggest, you start thinking the opposite. Try to deal with the unexpected, and then, it will be already expected, as you firstly wished. It seems crazy, but it works most of the time.

Do you remember when you planned for months the dream holiday? The Holiday of your life, that one you always dreamed about, but suddenly it turned into a hell holiday? Or the wedding so well planned that ended in tears and disappointment.

Be prepared, life has life itself.

People, as everything else have their own plans, as we do. And sometimes their plans don’t match with ours. If you are those who believe in destiny, so it gets even worse. Because life will have life itself, and destiny too. It doesn’t matter what you do there will be always the life’s plan in your way.

Do not plan to be happy, BE happy.

It seems very obvious, but it is true. -But how to do that? – So, start from the things you like and you don’t like. Do you know yet? Imagine today is your birthday, it’s your day, and you will have the whole day dedicated to yourself. Some people, actually, do that, really. On that special day, My Dear, you are The Queen, The Master and The Planner.

What would you do in Your very special day??

You would be very surprised, and don’t be, if you find that a very tricky question, indeed.

We don’t know what would make us happy, just because happiness is out from things. It must be inside us. Then, we notice that a day at home would be a Perfect Day; a party for 3 would be The Perfect Party. Did you get it?

If you cannot turn into a happy person, and also, You cannot plan to be happy. If happiness is always there, IN there. Take a closer look to yourself, My Friend. Look inside, search inside. It was always there that thing you were looking for.

We tend to put all the rest first, that’s why it gets difficult to find it.

When we are children, happiness is like a constant mood. I am talking about a healthy childhood, or as closer as we can supose it would be a ‘normal’ childhood. You remember that day at the swimming pool? It could be raining, it could be dirty the water, and it could be cloudy and cold. That had never really mattered. You had the best moments. You enjoyed The Moment. Honestly, I look to a swimming pool and the first question that comes to my mind is – Is it cold? Because, most of the time I am looking so apparently, I cannot see. What does make it a warm place is the magic that happens when you jump on it, like children do. Just jump. Feel the feeling. Let it go. I have a Friend, who died from Leukemia; He used to say – Se joga!(Jump Yourself!). He knew what life was about. He got to know that every minute counts and that we do not have time to think if the water is cold. Just jump.

I cannot fake I am a cheerful person. I already am. You already are. Do not ruin that part of you that is always there deeply hidden. Search it, and find it. Then turn it into your way of living, as the child you once were would do.

Be happy isn’t always be smiling. We must cry, get upset, yell, and sometimes shout. But we must smile too. Life is such a happy instant. JUMP! JUMP NOW!

If the water is cold – Jump!

If the plan was not that – Jump!

If you are sad – Jump! Cry like a child would cry. Scream, shout, swear. In your own bedroom. But then, get out of that sadness, as a child would do. And think about a simple candy you like. Or that game you wished. Or the cartoon that is the best. Take a better look, and you already have forgotten All that Shit.

Life is unexpected, we are unexpected. And as such mystery, start a new day thinking that the treasure, the golden prize, is to turn unexpected into a surprising moment to enjoy, to live.

That Friend, who used to jump, used also to stop and look to the empty space for a moment. I am wondering what He was wondering about. Sometimes he was looking in my direction, but not me, for sure. I could see from his eyes that He was somewhere else. Just like kids do. We can jump somewhere else even without moving the eye. Actually, is such a vision, the dream, that you cannot dare blink.

If you may get confused about the reading, You may ask – What the hell is she talking about? Then, I would answer to you. - I woke up; I had a jump somewhere else. Now, I am going back to sleep the sweetest dreams.

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