Coward, a such coward!
Get out of my sight.
You dressed with delight
Of frustation for being alive.
You chose it well,
I will keep trying.
If there's no light on the other side
I'll be bright, aspiring.
Wait paciently inspiring dust.
Deserving each breath
Of your disgusting life.
But don't bother me with empty words.
If satisfaction isn't there,
I am, already.
Those eyes
What eyes!
They keep staring me,
They persuit me
And try to vanish me.
Oh dispear! What dispear!
They haunt me as if they could.
Dammed eyes, your cruelty is already you.
You were once looked in that way,
Now is the time for revenge.
But I am not your accuser.
You try to get rid of your own memories of that vision.
I am not either part of it.
Look inside before look anywhere.
Your eyes have poison in them
Protecting you against anyone,
Anyone, as far as your senses can perceive.
What sad eyes, they touched me.
And I felt your anger, and your emptiness.
You were thirsty.
Look beyond the pain! I said.
That incredible pain.
Find something else, a reason.
But all you can find is nothing else
But fear.
What lonely eyes, they hurted many others.
And I felt anger, your emptiness fulfil me
As much I couldnt see much.
My eyes are drowned,
And even when they are open
All I can see is the emptiness You.
I tried to share
They couldnt understand, they wouldnt.
Then I stopped telling.
Who could?
You touched me with yours and since then I got sick.
How dare you come now and tell me
That you know what you know?
I know your emptiness since the moment I was born,
And even before I could hear you cry.
I used to cry in the same way.
Should I keep your legacy?
Can't I choose mine?
Your words were stronger than your eyes, sometimes.
Your silence-
Even worse.
I have them all at the same time
Eyes, Words in Silence.
Once upon a time, I dreamed
But now I can't barely breath.
Get away from me,
Get blind, and nothing.
Sometimes nothing is not enough.
And I, I cannot forget that eyes and sound.
They are also what I am.
My eyes, what eyes.
I learned a lesson
When he was born.
When his calm hands touched my arms.
When his eyes released me.
Those eyes, full of love,
What a beautiful eyes.
Untouched, fresh and innocent.
(As when he discovered that he could move his fingers from hands and foot at the same time)
He discovered that he could move forward.
Those eyes.
What eyes!
They keep staring me,
They persuit me
And try to vanish me.
Oh dispear! What dispear!
They haunt me as if they could.
Dammed eyes, your cruelty is already you.
You were once looked in that way,
Now is the time for revenge.
But I am not your accuser.
You try to get rid of your own memories of that vision.
I am not either part of it.
Look inside before look anywhere.
Your eyes have poison in them
Protecting you against anyone,
Anyone, as far as your senses can perceive.
What sad eyes, they touched me.
And I felt your anger, and your emptiness.
You were thirsty.
Look beyond the pain! I said.
That incredible pain.
Find something else, a reason.
But all you can find is nothing else
But fear.
What lonely eyes, they hurted many others.
And I felt anger, your emptiness fulfil me
As much I couldnt see much.
My eyes are drowned,
And even when they are open
All I can see is the emptiness You.
I tried to share
They couldnt understand, they wouldnt.
Then I stopped telling.
Who could?
You touched me with yours and since then I got sick.
How dare you come now and tell me
That you know what you know?
I know your emptiness since the moment I was born,
And even before I could hear you cry.
I used to cry in the same way.
Should I keep your legacy?
Can't I choose mine?
Your words were stronger than your eyes, sometimes.
Your silence-
Even worse.
I have them all at the same time
Eyes, Words in Silence.
Once upon a time, I dreamed
But now I can't barely breath.
Get away from me,
Get blind, and nothing.
Sometimes nothing is not enough.
And I, I cannot forget that eyes and sound.
They are also what I am.
My eyes, what eyes.
I learned a lesson
When he was born.
When his calm hands touched my arms.
When his eyes released me.
Those eyes, full of love,
What a beautiful eyes.
Untouched, fresh and innocent.
(As when he discovered that he could move his fingers from hands and foot at the same time)
He discovered that he could move forward.
Those eyes.
What eyes!
Um ponto iluminado
Alguns dias me sinto como um ponto iluminado.
Onde as centelhas que me aquecem
Me remetem ao frio e a cegueira.
Tais centelhas me confundem, me guiam,
Me concluem.
Como ater-me aos detalhes, se o que vejo é a imensidão intangível.
Então, me recluso em insignificância,
Me percebo nua e vazia.
Queria ter tempo para tudo,
Mas ainda que vivesse eternamente
Não poderia tamanha magnitude conter.
A luz que me aquece foge num instante,
Mas ela irradia eternamente, por isso nunca me sinto tão ponto.
Sinto me parte de um arranjo de letras com alma.
Ler é aquecer o coração sentindo a complexidade do conhecimento.
Quanto mais, me sinto menos.
E quem sou eu além de um ponto?
Então, contemplo exacerbada a maravilha do conhecimento.
Me deleito nas palavras que quem muito adiante assimilou o conhecimento em vida.
Que leu a vida e a transcreveu em conhecimento.
Delírio, magia e encantamento são as palavras de um sábio leitor.
Quisera eu atar-me a momentos como estes,
E ouvir pacientemente, horas a fio
As brasas que me aquecem e acalmam a alma.
O deleite da inquietude me preenche de desejo e vazio, e quero mais.
De tudo que sei e anseio,
Do que ainda nem sei, mas que recrio em mim,
E nos outros.
Onde as centelhas que me aquecem
Me remetem ao frio e a cegueira.
Tais centelhas me confundem, me guiam,
Me concluem.
Como ater-me aos detalhes, se o que vejo é a imensidão intangível.
Então, me recluso em insignificância,
Me percebo nua e vazia.
Queria ter tempo para tudo,
Mas ainda que vivesse eternamente
Não poderia tamanha magnitude conter.
A luz que me aquece foge num instante,
Mas ela irradia eternamente, por isso nunca me sinto tão ponto.
Sinto me parte de um arranjo de letras com alma.
Ler é aquecer o coração sentindo a complexidade do conhecimento.
Quanto mais, me sinto menos.
E quem sou eu além de um ponto?
Então, contemplo exacerbada a maravilha do conhecimento.
Me deleito nas palavras que quem muito adiante assimilou o conhecimento em vida.
Que leu a vida e a transcreveu em conhecimento.
Delírio, magia e encantamento são as palavras de um sábio leitor.
Quisera eu atar-me a momentos como estes,
E ouvir pacientemente, horas a fio
As brasas que me aquecem e acalmam a alma.
O deleite da inquietude me preenche de desejo e vazio, e quero mais.
De tudo que sei e anseio,
Do que ainda nem sei, mas que recrio em mim,
E nos outros.
Poema “Vozes-mulheres”, de Conceição Evaristo
Hoje tive o prazer imensurável de ouvir este poem na voz da própria Conceição Evaristo. E não há como não se emocionar. Um momento inesquecível, que guardarei com muito carinho.
A voz de minha bisavó ecoou
nos porões do navio.
Ecoou lamentos
de uma infância perdida.
A voz de minha avó
ecoou obediência
aos brancos-donos de tudo.
A voz de minha mãe
ecoou baixinho revolta
No fundo das cozinhas alheias
debaixo das trouxas
roupagens sujas dos brancos
pelo caminho empoeirado
rumo à favela.
A minha voz ainda
ecoa versos perplexos
com rimas de sangue
A voz de minha filha
recolhe todas as nossas vozes
recolhe em si
as vozes mudas caladas
engastadas nas gargantas.
A voz de minha filha
Recolhe em si
a fala e o ato.
O ontem – o hoje- o agora.
Na voz de minha filha
se fará ouvir a ressonância
o eco da vida-liberdade.
(Poema “Vozes-mulheres”, de Conceição Evaristo)
A voz de minha bisavó ecoou
nos porões do navio.
Ecoou lamentos
de uma infância perdida.
A voz de minha avó
ecoou obediência
aos brancos-donos de tudo.
A voz de minha mãe
ecoou baixinho revolta
No fundo das cozinhas alheias
debaixo das trouxas
roupagens sujas dos brancos
pelo caminho empoeirado
rumo à favela.
A minha voz ainda
ecoa versos perplexos
com rimas de sangue
A voz de minha filha
recolhe todas as nossas vozes
recolhe em si
as vozes mudas caladas
engastadas nas gargantas.
A voz de minha filha
Recolhe em si
a fala e o ato.
O ontem – o hoje- o agora.
Na voz de minha filha
se fará ouvir a ressonância
o eco da vida-liberdade.
(Poema “Vozes-mulheres”, de Conceição Evaristo)
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